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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 921, Issue 2,
Pages 109-353 (6 July 2001)

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Protein adsorption equilibria and kinetics to a poly(vinyl alcohol)-based magnetic affinity support, Pages 109-119
Bo Xue and Yan Sun
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Initial evaluation of quantitative performance of chromatographic methods using replicates at multiple concentrations, Pages 121-133
Marcela Alejandra Castillo and Reynaldo César Castells
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Modeling and analysis of the dynamic behavior of mechanisms that result in the development of inner radial humps in the concentration of a single adsorbate in the adsorbed phase of porous adsorbent particles observed in confocal scanning laser microscopy experiments: diffusional mass transfer and adsorption in the presence of an electrical double layer, Pages 135-145
A. I. Liapis, B. A. Grimes, K. Lacki and I. Neretnieks
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Immobilized penicillin G acylase as reactor and chiral selector in liquid chromatography, Pages 147-160
G. Massolini, E. Calleri, E. De Lorenzi, M. Pregnolato, M. Terreni, G. Félix and C. Gandini
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Determination of enantiomer separation factors by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and by chiral liquid chromatography, Pages 161-167
Urban Skogsberg and Stig Allenmark
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Stability of phenolic compounds during extraction with superheated solvents, Pages 169-174
Miguel Palma, Zulema Piñeiro and Carmelo G. Barroso
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Analysis of intact bacteriohopanepolyols from methanotrophic bacteria by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography¯atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometry, Pages 175-185
Helen M. Talbot, Diane F. Watson, J. Colin Murrell, James F. Carter and Paul Farrimond
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Abnormal elution behavior of ornitine derivatized with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrophenyl-5-leucinamide in advanced Marfey's method, Pages 187-195
Ken-ichi Harada, Akiko Matsui, Yohei Shimizu, Ryoko Ikemoto and Kiyonaga Fujii
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Functional polymer affinity matrix for purifying hexahistidine-tagged recombinant protein, Pages 197-205
Qingbing Zeng, Jiarui Xu, Ruowen Fu and Qiaozhen Ye
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Determination of the UV filters worldwide authorised in sunscreens by high-performance liquid chromatography; Use of cyclodextrins as mobile phase modifier, Pages 207-215
A. Chisvert, M. C. Pascual-Martí and A. Salvador
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Ion chromatography on chelating stationary phases: separation of alkali metals, Pages 217-226
Alexander Haidekker and Christian G. Huber
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Mass spectrometry and mass-selective detection in chromatography, Pages 227-236
Károly Vékey
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Comparison of analytical techniques to quantify malondialdehyde in milk powders, Pages 237-245
François Fenaille, Pascal Mottier, Robert J. Turesky, Santo Ali and Philippe A. Guy
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Laser-enhanced ionization and laser-induced atomic fluorescence as element-specific detection methods for gas chromatography; Application to organotin analysis, Pages 247-253
Ching-Bin Ke, King-Dow Su and King-Chuen Lin
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Solid-phase extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water; Negative effect of humic acid, Pages 255-263
Nanqin Li and Hian Kee Lee
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On-line, inlet-based trimethylsilyl derivatization for gas chromatography of mono- and dicarboxylic acids, Pages 265-275
Kenneth S. Docherty and Paul J. Ziemann
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Gas chromatographic characterization of vegetable oil deodorization distillate, Pages 277-285
T. Verleyen, R. Verhe, L. Garcia, K. Dewettinck, A. Huyghebaert and W. De Greyt
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Stability studies of carbamate pesticides and analysis by gas chromatography with flame ionization and nitrogen¯phosphorus detection, Pages 287-296
M. J. Santos Delgado, S. Rubio Barroso, G. Toledano Fernández-Tostado and L. M. Polo-Díez
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Determination of residues of endosulfan and five pyrethroid insecticides in virgin olive oil using gas chromatography with electron-capture detection, Pages 297-304
Ch. Lentza-Rizos, E. J. Avramides and E. Visi
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Applications of the Chiralpak AD and Chiralcel OD chiral columns in the enantiomeric separation of several dioxolane compounds by supercritical fluid chromatography, Pages 305-313
L. Toribio, J. L. Bernal, M. J. del Nozal, J. J. Jiménez and E. M. Nieto
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Resolution of structural isomers of sialylated oligosaccharides by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 315-321
Zuojun Shen, Christopher D. Warren and David S. Newburg
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Micellar electrokinetic chromatography of polyamines and monoacetylpolyamines, Pages 323-329
G. Taibi, M. R. Schiavo, P. Calanni Rindina, R. Muratore and C. M. A. Nicotra
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Separation of radioactive metabolites in cultured tea cells fed with [14C]phenylalanine using high-speed counter-current chromatography, Pages 331-334
Qizhen Du, Hao Cheng and Yoichiro Ito
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Liquid chromatographic determination of less polar ginsenosides in processed ginseng, Pages 335-339
Sung Won Kwon, Sang Beom Han, Il Ho Park, Jong Moon Kim, Man Ki Park and Jeong Hill Park
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On the pheromone of the Asparagus fly, Platyparea poeciloptera, Pages 341-342
V. Casaña-Giner, J. E. Oliver, E. Thibout and J. Auger
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Author Index Vol. 921, Pages 343-345

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Subject Index Vol. 921, Pages 347-353

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